ETP Funding

El Camino College Business Training Center Secures $490,239 in State Funding to Launch New Workforce Literacy Pilot Program

El Camino College Business Training Center Secures $490,239 in State Funding to Launch New Workforce Literacy Pilot Program 806 443 Jon Wollenhaupt

Overview The California Employment Training Panel (ETP) received $10 Million in one-time General Fund dollars to launch a new Workforce Literacy Pilot Program (WLPP) that is intended to expand workforce literacy…

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El Camino College Business Training Center Utilizes ETP Funding to Help Aerospace Manufacturing Company Stay Skilled and Competitive

El Camino College Business Training Center Utilizes ETP Funding to Help Aerospace Manufacturing Company Stay Skilled and Competitive 800 547 Jon Wollenhaupt

During the contentious political debates that have raged since the start of the new millennium—the verbal sparring over who and what is responsible for the steep decline in American manufacturing—Impresa…

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