Employee Training


Is Your Organization Experiencing an Accountability Deficit?

Is Your Organization Experiencing an Accountability Deficit? 1400 650 godaddy

Is Your Organization Experiencing an Accountability Deficit? It might surprise you to hear that accountability — the obligation of individuals, teams and organizations to take ownership of their actions, decisions…

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El Camino College Business Training Center Secures $490,239 in State Funding to Launch New Workforce Literacy Pilot Program

El Camino College Business Training Center Secures $490,239 in State Funding to Launch New Workforce Literacy Pilot Program 806 443 Jon Wollenhaupt

Overview The California Employment Training Panel (ETP) received $10 Million in one-time General Fund dollars to launch a new Workforce Literacy Pilot Program (WLPP) that is intended to expand workforce literacy…

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vocational english

VESL Training Enhances Productivity, Improves Retention and Creates Workplace Equity

VESL Training Enhances Productivity, Improves Retention and Creates Workplace Equity 860 576 Jon Wollenhaupt

As the 21st-century workplace becomes increasingly diverse, it must also be inclusive. All employees should feel valued and empowered. Inclusiveness means all employees have what they need to succeed, which…

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Project manager

How the Project Manager Drives Organizational Success

How the Project Manager Drives Organizational Success 720 422 Jon Wollenhaupt

An accomplished project manager (PM) is a force of nature, a wizard of efficiency, and a driver of change whose hand is always steady on the wheel. Yet the PM…

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